How to install Carrom Pool MOD Apk on PC – The Complete Guide
Playing Carrom Pool Mod APK on a desktop or laptop can be more fun than on mobile because a bigger screen is more valuable for board games, just like board size matters in physical board games.
But nowadays, most games are developed for mobile platforms such as Android and iOS. That’s why several applications available on the Google Play Store or iOS App Store are mainly mobile applications.
You can still use the carrom pool mod app on your laptop, but the official PC version is not available. Desktops/Laptops available with various operating systems, of which the following are popular.
This article will cover how to install the Carrom Pool MOD APK on Windows, Linux, Chromebook, and Android laptops. For macOS devices, you can see the “For iOS” article.
Important Instructions Before Installing
A few Important Instructions Before Installing Carrom Pool Mod Apk: So that your effort is not in vain, you have to check some things before following the steps below.
System Requirements
First of all, you have to check the system requirements. However, Carrom Pool Mod APK is a well-balanced game that runs smoothly on all standard systems. Still, third-party emulators, etc., are required to install and play it on PC. may be necessary, so you should first visit the official websites of these third-party software and check their system requirements. Start the installation process only if your PC is capable.
Reliable download source
Another important thing is that your app download source is reliable; if the download source is not entirely safe and reliable, you may face many security issues; you should always download from a trusted source to ensure your system’s security. So download the latest Carrom Pool Mod APK from our trusted website.
Uninterrupted Internet
Its installation process requires you to have internet, so before starting the installation process, ensure your internet connection is good and can provide uninterrupted internet.
Storage space
Although our APK file is less than 200 MB, third-party software takes up a lot of storage in the installation process. So storage space should be checked first to avoid any problem in installation.
How to install Carrom Pool MOD APK on Windows
There will be no person in the world who knows computers but does not know the name of Windows. Windows operating system is the most commonly used operating system for desktops and laptops.
Windows has simplified the installation support of Android apps and games in its recent version 11; we make two different ways to install the Carrom Pool MOD Apk in Windows.
For Windows 11
Do the following steps to install the Carrom Pool Mod APK in Windows 11.
First Step
Turn on “Virtualization” in Windows 11, which is turned off by default. To get it on
Go to the search bar, type “turn windows features,” and open it.
Check “Virtual Machine Platform” in the list, which is turned off by default. Also, check “Hyper-v” in the same list. And restart the system.
On restarting, go to the startup options, which are opened by different buttons on desktops or laptops of different companies.
Go to startup settings, then bios, and check virtualization in system security. And save and restart the system.
Second Step
Installing some apps from the official Windows App Store.
Go to the Windows official app store, type “Windows subsystem for Android” into the search bar, and install it. Also, install “Amazon Appstore”.
Open Windows Subsystem for Android, and turn on its developer options,
Again, go to the Microsoft App Store and install “WSATools – Apk installer” as well. Open the apk installer and install “ADB Driver” in your desired folder.
Now you can easily install any apk file.
Last Step
Install your favorite game, Carrom Pool MOD Apk.
Carrom Pool MOD Apk file, which will be in your download folder; install it.
For Windows 7/8/10 and MAC OS
By using several straightforward methods, Android apps can be installed on a Windows machine and also can be used the same as they are used on Android smartphones.
This article will guide you in downloading the carrom pool mod apk on your PC with the help of Android emulators.
With several straightforward methods, Android apps can be installed and used on a Windows machine, just like on Android smartphones. This article will guide you in downloading the carrom pool mod apk on your PC with the help of Android emulators.
Two well-known Android emulators that allow you to play Carrom Pool on PC are:
How to Install Carrom Pool MOD APK on PC Using Bluestacks
The first method for downloading the Carrom Pool mod APK on a Windows 10, 8, and 7 laptop is to use Bluestacks; it is a widely used emulator that enables users to run Android applications on their Windows PC.
Here are the steps to download and install the Carrom Pool mod apk using Bluestacks on your window PC :
- Step 1: First, download the Bluestacks emulator from the official website ( Make sure to choose the appropriate version for your operating system.
- Step 2: After downloading the file, find it on your computer and open it to start the installation process.
- Step 3: After the installation is completed, Start Bluestacks on your Windows PC. Be patient during the process.
- Step 4: When you start Bluestacks, its user interface will be displayed. Search for it in internet browser, like Chrome browser, type in its URL box “”. Download the latest APK file from the Carrom Pool MOD APK website.
- Step 5: Open the downloaded file of the app in the Downloads Section of your browser, or go to the file manager and find and open the downloaded file in the Downloads folder.
- Step 6: Click “install.” Bluestacks will start installing the Carrom Pool MOD APK on your Windows PC.
- Step 7: After installation, you can find the APK on the Bluestacks home screen or in the “My Apps” folder.
- Step 8: to get started, click the app icon to start the Carrom Pool MOD APK.
Now, you can play the game on your Windows PC.
You have successfully downloaded and installed the Carrom Pool MOD APK on your Windows 10/8/7 machine by using Bluestacks. Now, you can enjoy and play the game on a larger screen and, by using the emulator’s features, enhance your gaming experience.
Bluestacks may need specific system requirements to run smoothly on your PC. To avoid performance issues, make sure your computer meets the basic requirements specified on the Bluestacks website.
How to Install Carrom Pool MOD APK on PC Using MEmu Play
Another trending Android emulator that has gained considerable attention recently is MEmu Play. Renowned for its unusual versatility, speed, and intense focus on gaming, MEmu Play has become a favoured choice among users.
The step-by-step method is to install it on a PC via MEmu Play.
- Step 1: Download and install MEmu Play on your PC. To get the software, visit the official Memu Play website (insert website link).
- Step 2: When the emulator is installed, open it and double-click on the icon to start it. It might take some time to compute for the first time.
- Step 3: Find and open the internet browser, write the URL of the website in the URL box of the browser, and enter it.
- Step 4: Once the website is open, download the latest Carrom Pool MOD APK file and install it.
- Step 5: After installation, you can find the Carrom Pool MOD APK on the MEmu Play home screen or in the “My Apps” folder.
- Step 6: After installation, the first time you open it, you will set up the controls through key mapping, in which you can select the keys according to your convenience so that you don’t face any problems in playing.
Congratulations! You have installed the Carrom Pool MOD APK on your PC via MEmu Play Emulator; now you can enjoy it.
How to install Carrom Pool MOD APK on Linux
Linux is popular among developers and security-conscious people. However, its speed and low resource consumption have made it a feature that improves the battery life and performance of older laptops and desktops. Now, common people are also attracted to it. WayDroid is the best way to install the Carrom Pool Mod APK in Linux. Let’s learn it step by step.
- Step 1: Open the terminal, type “sudo systemctl start waydroid-container”, and enter your password. This command installs Waydroid, which you can easily see and open in your app list.
- Step 2: Now download the Carrom MOD APK file from this website.
- Step 3: Open the terminal and run the command, “waydroid app install”, followed by space, drag and drop the Carrom Pool MOD APK latest file, and enter.
- Congratulations! Your favourite game is installed in your Linux operating system.
How to install Carrom Pool MOD APK on Chromebook
This operating system is developed by Google for lightweight laptops, follow a few steps to install Carrom Pool Mod APK on Chromebook.
- Step 1: Go to settings and turn on the Linux development environment option in the developer option. And in that, turn on “ADB Debugging” in Develop Android Apps, and restart the system.
- Step 2: After restarting, open penguin in the terminal, type this command “sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb -y” and enter.
- Step 3: After that, enter this command “adb connect” and click OK in the pop-up confirmation.
- Step 4: Drag and drop the Up Carrom Pool Mod APK file that you have downloaded into the terminal.
- Step 5: Your favourite game is now installed on your Chromebook too.
How to install Carrom Pool MOD APK on Android-based laptops
It is an Android-based operating system itself which is designed for laptops. you don’t need to do anything extra to install your favorite game. Just download the latest app from the website and install it. And “keymapping’ it before playing for the first time.